Spartans Share Views on America


Everyone has their own opinion on just about everything, whether it be your favorite show or your opinions on gun control. People were raised differently, so they are going to have varying opinions on different topics, whether issues are extremely controversial or easily agreed upon. With everything going on in the media currently, we decided to get Spartans’ opinions on the United States as a society.  We wanted to know how you felt about what is happening in the world. 

As we interviewed students and staff alike, some people were very hesitant to share their opinions. While some were not entirely sure on what to say in general. This brings up another issue altogether. This country is big on our freedom of speech, and yet our citizens are wary about using said freedom. With people turning to violence when people don’t agree with them more and more, it is understandable as to why people would not want to, while others were completely ecstatic about sharing their thoughts about the United States.

These are our Spartan opinions on how we are doing a whole. Our city, our county, our state, our country.  If you would like to express your own views, remember that we welcome comments and letters to the editor.

Jacqueline Wright
“We’re united right now, sorta,” said James Blea.
Jacqueline Wright
“It’s falling apart drastically, and all the presidential candidates are either good and hated or bad and loved,” High school graduate Marvin Loya.
Jacqueline Wright
“The U.S as a society is bad. Racism. People not accepting others. We have Trump representing our country,” said Amari Johsen.


Jacqueline Wright
“Decorum is missing from the debate. Increased political polarization is increased by social media,” said Rob Duensing.
Jacqueline Wright
“The fact that Donald Trump was acquitted on both articles of impeachment is so … stupid. Witnesses no longer being allowed in trial is such a BS thing. He has showcased clear abuse of power,” said Evan Cleghorn.
Jacqueline Wright
“I think we have a president that’s not majorly supported by the people, and that animosity as well as his unorthodox priorities are keeping us as a country from working to solve some real issues,” said Marynn Krull.


Jacqueline Wright
“Great, our economies are doing well. Politics are a little divided, but that doesn’t have to do with how society is doing. We are generous, as we are as Americans.” said Karen Dougles (Right).
“I feel like things could be better, there has been racial division. We’ve had really bad political decisions, we need to come together. The unfortunate death of Kobe Bryant has brought people together as humans and not divisions of religion, race or politics,” said Janet Norwood (Left).
Jacqueline Wright
“I think it’s the great land of opportunity,” said Gustavo Sanchez.
Jacqueline Wright
“I honestly don’t know what to say because I’m too young,” said Emily Kroll.
Jacqueline Wright
“In all honesty I don’t like where all our taxes are going. We need to start giving money back to the people’” said Gabe Miller.
Jacqueline Wright
“There’s a lot of fixing that needs to be done. Lets not treat one state better than the other. If we are the United States we need to stay united,” said Eddieo.
Jacqueline Wright
“Trump,” said Jeramyah Lopez. He replied with Trump’s name as a negative thing.
Mia Cliff
“Think about the last time the United States agreed on one president,” said Emma Adams.
Jacqueline Wright
“If America would mind its own business and focus on what we need to do, we would be a lot more united,” said Justin Skaggs.
Jacqueline Wright
“My life is falling apart, just like America,” said Kros M.

With our First Amendment in the Constitution, we have the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and to petition our government to address issues with our society. We as citizens should not fear sharing these with each other, like many of the people we interviewed were.We are supposed to have this freedom, so why are we afraid to use it? If people were open about what they believe, and others were more open minded, everyone could have an understanding of each other and what their perspectives. Yet people are afraid, and many people turn to violence. We are The United States, so why are we so divided?  Share your thoughts in the comments.