Doherty Film Festival

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons
School Theater
March 10, 2021
Doherty’s Film Festival was very creative and inspiring! There was so much great talent and acting going on, students put in a lot of time and effort into their videos. The theatre’s film festival is a great event to produce raw emotions from viewers, especially during the pandemic. This event gave some students a burst of energy or the encouragement needed during this crazy time.
The festival allows students to come together and be a part of each other’s thoughts and ideas. Student voices are heard and powerful points were made throughout this process. It will increase your self confidence and to definitely allow your voice to be heard. So if you’re a Doherty student, you should join the theatre film festival. Especially if you have strong opinions on things and want your opinion to be heard and public with the school.
Every idea has a process! Mr. Reed, the Doherty theater director, gave the run down of this idea. He expressed ho, “Necessity is the mother of the invention.” Mr. Reed also included that during the pandemic it would be a great way to connect and create! They created the Harvest of Love-athon and the Advanced class project which was called, “Growth” to “share or work with the public,” Mr. Reed told. Check out their Doherty Theater website for more information!
Although one Film Festival was amazing, the crowd wants more. Mr. Reed said, “I hope to make the VFF (Virtual Film Festival) an annual event.” Encouragement is key to motivate others to go above and beyond what they think they are capable of. Mr. Reed stated, “ The VFF was part of our Intermediate Theatre class.” Wrapping up his statement, Mr. Reed expressed his pride toward this festival and it’s participants. He explained, “Each film had some element that I consider a success! Each student created an original film, they might not have received an Oscar but they grew in their ability to express an idea…”
I also interviewed a few students, Jahuan Tompson, Alea Ludvik, and Ezra Stepanek. They all did an amazing job with their Films and I asked all 3 of them 4 questions which are; What is your favorite part of theatre? What inspired you to create your film? How long did it take you to create your film? Last but not least Would you do this again?
Let’s take a look behind the scenes… Jahuan Tompson said that her favorite part of theatre is being able to be herself and having a place to unload. Jahuan was inspired by herself with COVID going on how we need a laugh and to be something to be happy. It took Jauhaun about 3 to 4 hours to complete her film! She stated,” “it took me about three to four hours just to record everything and all the scenes since I had to memorize the lyrics and make sure my lips looked like I was saying the right words,” and how I would definitely do it again! It was so much fun I just wish I had more people to be in it but with these covid shenanigans we have to work with what we have!”
Alea Ludvik spoke how her favorite part of theatre is the community, she stated “From the beginning, I felt welcome and as if I were a part of something. I love the friends I have made and the opportunities I have experienced.” Alea was inspired by her love for coming of age movies and the relationship between her and her best friend. During the process of creating her film, Alea was very stressed, she explained,“Filming dates got really confusing and jumbled for personal reasons and it caused a lot of stress.” Alea expressed that she will not participate in any future film festivals due to stress and just overall tiring, but she loved the storytelling and art behind it.
Ezra Stepaneck’s favorite part of this experience was the sense of community and being able to have fun! Ezra was inspired himself by Halloween and personal ideas. Ezra’s film process took about 2 days he stated, “…it was made over a few months, I storyboarded and wrote it in November, and then filmed it in January over a couple weekends, so it really only took two days to film.” Ezra said he would 100% do it again because of how much fun it was.
Due to enjoyment of the experience, Doherty’s Theater Film Festival had a positive effect on the student. Students should join and try it out because it leaves a great impact on you. If you can gain your confidence, meet new and welcoming people, and have fun. Theatre film festival should become an ongoing event so that students have a capability to get their voices and opinions heard. Mr. Reed did an amazing job allowing students to feel seen and heard!