Cheer Wraps up Season
Here’s the 2021 Cheer Team!
April 23, 2021
Cheer had a great season competing at three competitions, one at Vista Ridge High School, one at Coronado High School, and one at the World Arena. They wrapped up their season with the competition at the World Arena. These girls have been working so hard all season long for these competitions. The first two competitions they had were league. At the first competition they placed 2nd, at the second competition they placed 1st and at the last competition which was state they placed 23rd out of 26 teams.
Captain Abby Humphires said, “Overall I think this season was good. We just missed out on a lot of fun activities that we usually do. I enjoyed being on the team this year, even though it was a hard year we made the most of it and still had a successful season.”
Due to COVID this year was very different for the cheer team. Seniors Kendall Burg said, “This year was a good year especially for it being my last. I do wish it was a little more like a normal year and that we could do more stuff and that we could’ve gone to nationals and all the stuff we usually do.” Overall, this season was one for the books for this team. “We are going to come back stronger next year!!”said Freshman Megan Vigil.