Every season has something to offer, as winter arrives, some animals must hibernate to stay safe while others enjoy this newfound weather. For example, the Arctic fox! Did you know Arctic foxes change coat colors depending on the season? (Erica Kirchner)Some animals may take longer to adjust or even hibernate to winter’s harsh weather. For example, this Arctic fox here. Arctic foxes change coat colorings to easily blend into their surroundings! (Erica Kirchner)To stay warm during the cold temperatures, animals, both wildlife and even pets, grow long fur coats during the winter. Some pets enjoy the snow of winter over the sun of summer. It can be fun to see which season your pet may prefer and an enjoyable activity for this winter season. Just make sure your pet is comfortable during the experience and is let inside if they are not. (Erica Kirchner)While most animals during the winter can be found looking for food, changing coat colors, or even growing larger fur coats to stay warm, some animals do not do anything! Deer for example continue their normal routine with only a few slight adjustments, deer can be found all over Colorado and even around Doherty.Winter can come with many unique occurrences, and while living in Colorado, Doherty students have the chance to experience these unique features. Colorado is well known for its scenery and wildlife so why not try looking for things like deer or even bobcats this winter season, just do not get too close or interact with wildlife. Happy Holidays! (Erica Kirchner)