Have any realistic and attainable goals for the new year? Now that it is 2024, it’s time to make new goals and actually complete them. Could that be doing your homework on time? Could it be completing 1,000 steps a day? Or even less screen time on your phone. In this article about new year’s goals, you get to see other High School student’s goals and even get inspiration from them. Or it may help you get the motivation to create a new year goal.
A new year goal from Kimber Cook, a Senior at Doherty High School was “To spend my money better, and not impulse buy. It is better if I start saving my money because I need to be saving for college.” This is an amazing new year goal that many high school students, mainly Seniors can relate to if their planning to go to college and may inspire you as a student to do the same if you have a spending issue.
Another new year goal from Kimber Cooks brother, Cameron Cook. New to Doherty as a first-year student was “I will do better in school and work harder to get my homework done and in on time.” Just as a first-year student Cameron is already struggling, being new to high school and getting so much more work than he did in middle school. Cameron set a relatable goal that many can set themselves, as the high school year can get long, stressful, and difficult.
Sky Benefield, just joined us after winter break as a new student to Doherty and is a second-year student followed up with “My goal is to get an A in my history class, it’s not my favorite class but I don’t want to need to retake it next year.” This goal can be heavily relatable, and we have all been through classes we do not like but need to push through and try our best to not fail it. You do not want to have to retake a class you hate.
Gema Toscano, another senior at Doherty followed up with her New Year goal, “I will work hard and get all A’s before graduation so I can graduate.” any senior student can understand and relate to this goal and most probably have the same, keeping your grades up gets hard especially when you have a time in year that stresses you out, you must try your best and keep up to get through, and for seniors to graduate.
All attainable and realistic goals that can be met, and should be set by students with no motive yet. Goals can be important because they help you provide and improve your focus when in school or even outside of it and we hope this article has helped you and motivated you to create a goal, which leads to my last question. what are your New Year goals?