Doherty High School has had and continues to have countless students with ADHD. There is a sizable number of students with ADHD, so is Doherty really ADHD friendly, and are teachers really taking into account ADHD? Or are they not helping the students with ADHD or ADD like they should be?
What is ADHD?
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder. The symptoms of ADHD can include inattention, hyperactive and impulsiveness. According to the CDC (centers for disease and prevention) approximately six million U.S. children have been diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD makes it difficult for students to focus during school and most of the time the students are never given a chance to express how they learn efficiently.
According to the Children’s Hospital of Orange County in California, 32.2 percent of students with ADHD drop out of high school. This is more than double the normal rate of 15% with teens with no psychiatric disorders. The risk for lower GPA’s is also prevalent with the average GPA for a student with ADHD 25% lower than average. For Doherty, this can be an issue because fostering an environment for all to succeed is crucial for any high school student.
According to the school nurse Susan Heidelburg, there are around 117 documented students with ADHD totaling to 7% of Doherty students.
What are the teachers’ perspectives?
Teachers are vital to any school and student support. Ms. Kuettner, an astronomy and biology teacher, said, “I have had students with ADHD, and I help students stay focused by giving clear instructions and keeping a calm atmosphere.”
The strategy Ms. Kuettner uses is viable to help students who struggle to stay focused complete their assignments. Not every teacher has the same strategy. History teacher Craig Britain says, “Students should be allowed to listen to music or fidget with things during class as long as it helps them stay on task.”
Allowing students with ADHD to have something to occupy their minds as they work is a reliant tactic for keeping students focused on what the class is working on. Not all fidgets need to be something students physically need to use. For example, Math teacher Jacqueline Rowland says, “I would prefer wobble stools in my class instead of the chairs we currently use.” This gives students a chance to move around and stay active while also completing work.
For students it is crucial that teachers foster an environment for all students, with all different abilities. It’s refreshing to know that teachers give space for students with differing abilities, to push them towards success in the world.
What do students think, and what resources does Doherty provide?
Luca Heyward says yes learning with ADHD has been a struggle because of teachers teaching a certain way. Their favorite thing to use as a fidget in their life is drawing. The teacher who helps them learn the most effectively is Ms. Rowland who teaches math and encourages me to take tutoring, check notes, and explain things more simply if needed.
The math center and writing center are great resources for students with ADHD. These resources for a lot of students with ADHD provide them a place to get individualized instruction. These resources also provide students with a place to get work done, and an environment where there are less distractions, like in class.
Another good resource is the future center. The future center provides students with ADHD a place to come to a plan for their future and stop the constant overthinking and stress over their future. The future for many students with ADHD may seem scary, and they may overthink it, but this resource can help them ease their way to a bright future.
Doherty, a school with many problems, seems to have resources provided that we may take for granted. There are tons of help for those with ADHD that we are appreciative of, such as great teachers, the math center, the writing center, and the future center. All these foster an environment for all to succeed and prosper in high school.