The Doherty Way
March 21, 2025
Behind the glass it has all sports related things the books.
Elijah Morrison and Antonio Garcia Ruiz hard at work during their off period.
Jodee Mullenax, Security Guard at Doherty High School, is very hard at work.
Security Guard Mark working hard at his job.
The front of Thomas B. Doherty High School
Behind the glass it tells us all about clubs, Athletics, Programs and CTE.
Ricki Chamber the librarian reading a book while she waits for someone wanting for help.
Asher Vanzuiden and Zakorri William looking at the Doherty Course offering wall.
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About the Contributor

Anahlina Saiz, Staff Writer
I am Anahilina Saiz, I am a senior here at Doherty, and this is my first year in journalism. I play softball, I love to paint and draw, and my top 2 favorite drinks are jumex and a Sherry temple