Photo Contest Coming Soon

Photo Club is giving away prizes for winners of the contest to help promote the arts at Doherty

Photo Club can be a fun way to express yourself by taking and sharing pictures and just hanging out and making new friends. To be in Photo Club you don’t even have to have any experience, though you do need to have an interest in the art of photography.

Many students enjoy joining this club and leaning about photography with people who have the same interests as them. Photo Club is gearing up to sponsor a contest second semester, and they also helped with the Reflections Contest. They go to Photo Club during lunch on Mondays to learn about photography and much more while having fun and making friends.

The club is run by Adviser Mrs. George and president Orion TenBrink. The club meets during lunch on Mondays in room 200 to learn about photography. At the beginning of the week, the club chooses a theme and take pictures based on the theme for the entire week. They come back together to show the results of the theme. Another thing that the club does is sponsor photo contests based on the theme that they select. They also have guest speakers and share their favorite photos with each other and give feedback on the photos they’ve shared.

If you ever have any questions about the club that you may want to know about or if you’re ever interested in joining Photo Club, you can talk to Mrs. George, or feel free to stop by on Mondays during lunch in room 200 to get more information are just join the club and make new friends and learn much more.