Covid 19 Ends Football’s Season Early

Gracie Baker and Ben Courtright

Doherty High School football went 1-5 this season. The football team lost 5 games in a row, but made a comeback against Liberty to get out of their slump.  But as their last game approached, the football team got quarantined due to Covid-19. “I was really excited to continue to play and get that last game in, but then it got cancelled, I was really sad because I never want it to end.” said junior Conner Eggleton.

The team, unfortunately, did not qualify for the playoffs either, so the season did come to an abrupt end. “It was fun. I just wish it lasted longer,” said Freshman Soloman Latimer.

Football season was very difficult due to Covid restrictions but keeping a positive mindset was key during this difficult time. While speaking to Mrs. Leasure she mentioned a quote from Coach Hale: “Despite all the difficulties we faced this year, we had 48 kids come to practice every day with a desire to compete, work, and challenge themselves. I can’t ask for anything more than that.” Doherty was thankful for their season but wished it could have lasted longer.

“I sincerely appreciated the cooperation of our entire football program to rise to expectations and compete in an incredibly tough league.  Of the 6 games we played, 4 of those 6 were against schools that made the playoffs (top 8) in either 4A or 5A, which is an incredibly difficult schedule.  I am proud of our football program and believe we are on a solid road ahead.” said Doherty’s Athletic Director Stephanie Leasure.

Thank you for all your hard work and commitment boys! We can’t wait to see what is in store for you next season.