Tips and Advice from our High School Seniors about their Experiences


Duke University Archives

Graduation comes with many traditions. Take a look at advice from our graduating seniors.

Emily Behnke

Many of us have had experiences in high school that we all love and loathe. We make friends and we lose them. High school is the way to learn things to become an adult. Sometimes the lessons we learn are easy and sometimes they are hard, and sometimes we will never know.

Senior Emily Hurst, “I learned a lot about myself these past four years. I mean freshman year is so different from senior year with just the responsibility aspect. I got my first job as a freshman and I had it for two years, which taught me a lot about myself and how to be responsible. Of course throughout the time I was in high school I gained and lost friends and people grew in the opposite direction as me, but now I have an amazing group of people surrounding me, who are very similar to me. Playing high school sports was very important to me most of high school and it’s where I met most of my current friends! I think it taught me a lot about time management as well because working and playing sports left little time for homework.  The best experiences that I can think of are with the people that surrounded me. There isn’t one specific dance or football game because they were all fun when you had the right people to go with!” 

In high school, you learn who your real friends are and you learn responsibility. Senior Marcelo Martinez said “In my opinion freshman and sophomore year I jacked around a lot and didn’t really care about my future just wanted to have fun. Junior year I became more aware of what would benefit me in the future even though I didn’t show it all the time. Now since I’m a senior I can’t wait for it to be over, but at the same time a little nervous on what the outside world has to offer.”

The new world is different than living with your parents and having them take you to school. The outside world or as some people call it the “Real” world is where the seniors are going.

Senior Gavin Ortiz, “To say the least it was really a once in lifetime experience, I got to make new friends as well as try new things I never would’ve thought I would do. It’s 4 years that shouldn’t be taken for granted”

High school should not be taken for granted.  It’s often the last four years of living with parents. The “real” world is way different than regular school life. You go to college and then you get a job and have families if you want that.

High school is nothing to wish by fast away. Cherish every moment.