Outstanding Players/Coaches

Plays of the game, best teamwork. 9/13/22-9/30-22
(JV): Cayson/Brady first score of their tennis match. Using teamwork to beat their opponents.
9-30(Homecoming game) Football:
In an interview with Kia Sundermeyer a Doherty soccer player alongside Delaney Gish a volleyball player we asked them and here are some of our favorite responses.
Q: What are you looking forward to for the rest of the season
A: “Finishing playing with the seniors,” said Sundermeyer.
Q: What is your favorite part of the season so far?
A: “Yesterday’s win (9-13-22) against Arapahoe,” said Gish.

In another interview with cross country runner Christian Olsen and golf player Paten Buckwalter here are some of the best answers
Q: Favorite part of the season?
A: “Definitely having other people on the team and having a good time,” said Buckwalter.
A: “[It] was all the hard work we have done so far,” said Olsen.

In an interview with Addie Hofstetter
Q: What was your favorite part of the season?
A: My favorite moment of the season so far was when she stole 3rd base and home plate, which was also the play of that game.
Q: Do you have any team traditions?
A: We put glitter on our faces before our games.

Our Spartans athletes are all having fun and looking forward to the rest of their seasons. Check back for more updates!