The Boys’ Swim team coached by Ms Delia Medberry consists of 16 boys and lots of determination.
After five meets and one invitational and the Cheyenne Mountain invite, the team is in for a great season. One relay team has already made state consisting of Rylan Gufarotti 27′, Vincent Tomberlin 24′, Ronin Watts 25′, and Ezra Coffman 26′, and with many more meets, the team is really excited.
Ms Medberry the Environmental Science teacher here at Doherty has been a very successful coach. She is very dedicated to the team and always has them in her best interest. Cason Kastle 26′ says, “She has helped me find my confidence and my will to persevere.” Many on the team agree with this.

The only obstacle facing the team is the lack of divers. The Fountain Fort Carson meet was mainly lost due to the fact that they had five divers, and we had none. The lack of points brought us under, so if you are thinking of diving, the team would much appreciate it. Talk to Ms Medberry to learn more.
Luke Flory 24′ also has something to say: “The swim team has helped me at being able to trust the process.” This is especially important when you’ve been swimming for seven years and the smallest improvement on your times is greatly appreciated. His goal is to make state this year as his last year swimming for Doherty. Sadly with his extreme talent he is not swimming after high school and has decided to join the Navy.
“Swim has given me more of a sense of purpose. At the start I didn’t have technique and now I have improved very significantly,” says Sam Ebersohl 27′ this is his first year swimming and he loves it. “I will 100% continue,” he says.
Overall the swim team is in good shape and the team is crushing it. Follow up next year to see where the Boys’ Swim Team lands.