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The Student News Site of Thomas B. Doherty High School

The Spartan

The Student News Site of Thomas B. Doherty High School

The Spartan

The Student News Site of Thomas B. Doherty High School

The Spartan

Kairi Morgan

Kairi Morgan, Staff Writer

I absolutely love to write; I have several of
my own stories too! Some other hobbies I
have are drawing illusions, playing
instruments, cooking, crocheting, hanging
out with my close friends, and making people
smile. I joined journalism this year so that I
could learn more about myself and become
an even better author. I love Russian
Pelmeni (dumplings) and they’re
extremely delicious. My favorite tv shows
are NCIS, and CASTLE, they’re both crime
shows, only one deals with specifically Navy

All content by Kairi Morgan